Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ghost Towns and Petroglyphs

Day 22
Took a trip up to Utah with my dad and brother to see a local ghost town near Rockville called Grafton. There were three buildings still standing - a school, a jailhouse, and a residential house. We had to ask directions to the actual ghost town and the lady who pointed us where to go asked how we found out about it because only the locals seem to know about it. Pretty cool. Then we ventured back near St. George to see the Anasazi Ridge Petroglyphs. We walked up a path a little ways and found some boulders with little writings on them but my dad said he saw that there were more there somewhere. Luckily, a local who was up there hiking with his dogs asked if we had been there before and showed us many of the "famous" ones. It was pretty cool. Then my brother and dad climbed down the back of the mountain... so there's that.

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